This week your Bloggetta Veneta would like to highlight a business which is a true example of success in the Internet arena. It’s called WGSN (Worth Global Style Network),
This is a portal updated daily, a world leader in online searches, trend analysis and news about the fashion, design and style industries. It was born in 1998 in London, founded by two brothers, Julian and Marc Worth, with the vision to be the prominent real-time information network in the fashion and related industries.
They have 35,000 customers in the style and fashion industries across the world, covering 25 different market sectors and more than 80 countries. From the catwalks of Milan to the streets of Tokyo, they offer information and insights to designers, buyers, marketers and executives. For many brands and advertising agencies they have become the answer to their prayers.
WGSN’s editorial team is composed by more than 200 members, who travel around the globe to investigate local and global trends. They also team up with a network of photographers, journalists, researchers and trend-seekers in all the world’s relevant cities, tracking what exists of avant-garde in terms of shops, designers, brands, trends and innovations.
Last year, to celebrate its 10th anniversary, it launched a microsite open to the general public – people who don’t have the $27,000 to pay the annual subscription fee (which boasts a renewal rate of over 90%). The microsite summarizes some of their insights in a range of topics during the last decade.
It was due to work only until December, but I just checked and it’s still working, so go there before they take it out of air! >>>